Less for More: Resources

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The Less for More Prayer

Father God, I need more. Our church needs more. My family needs more. I want more. I want more hope, more joy, more peace, more love. I want the fullness of life that Jesus offers. Father, saturate my soul with your Spirit so that I overflow with Jesus. I want more.

But I confess I’m full of everything but Jesus. I’ve loaded my mind with so much noise that it’s weary and worried. I’ve heaped stuff upon my soul that’s left little space for the Spirit who truly satisfies. I’ve filled my heart with treasures that are not Jesus. I’ve filled my time with my own agenda. I’m full. But it’s not you.

Something has to go.

I’m bringing you everything not-you that fills me up.

I open my hands in a posture of surrender. Empty me.

The noise, the distractions, the clutter, the fears, my attempts to control, my bitterness, my wounds, the burdens I’ve tried to carry on my own, my attempts to control, my stuff, even me, empty me of me. With open hands I surrender everything not-you.

Empty me, so you can fill me with joy and peace that overflows in hope.

Empty me so you can saturate my soul with your Spirit.

Empty me so I can abound with the life coming from your hand.

Fill us so full, that we can’t help but overflow with Jesus. Fill our families with your presence. Fill our neighborhoods with your love. Fill our valleys with the knowledge of your glory. Fill us so full, that we can’t help but overflow with Jesus.


Making Space for Serving

Benefits of Disciplines of Abstinence
Spiritual Discipline of Serving

Books: The books below deal with more than just the emptying practices (Willard calls them disciplines of abstinence) but they are great introductions to spiritual disciplines from three great authors with a variety of perspectives.
Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard
The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg
Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton

Francis Chan – Empty yourself, fill up with Jesus
Jeremy Camp – Empty Me
Chris Sligh – Empty Me

Making Space for Silence and Solitude

Making Space for Surrender

The Long Waiting of Surrender (a story of surrender)
The Posture of Surrender

Nancy Leigh DeMoss -- The Heart God Controls
David Benner -- Surrender to Love. Benner unpacks the twin themes of surrender and love with the thesis that only God is worthy of absolute surrender because only God is full of absolute love! A great book on surrender.

Podcast: Ask Pastor John (Piper). "Why am I so afraid of surrender?"
Video: Francis Chan: Absolute Control vs Absolute Surrender
Worship: A moment of worship focused on surrender. Chandler Moore

Making Space for Slowing

Making Space for Simplicity

Freedom of Simplicity by Richard Foster. I remember reading this book in college, wrecked me a bit, in a good way.
The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn

Simplifying Life, Living more Fully -- from Focus on the Family with Joshua Becker
The Minimal Mom with Dawn Madsen

My Beautiful Mess -- A Declutter Check List
A Get-started checklist by Amanda Evans

Amanda Evans is happy to make herself available to those looking for help and encouragement in the area of decluttering and simplifying your home. She has mostly worked with local mothers, and loves talking about simplifying and sharing resources. Her email is 

Making Space for Forgiveness

Total Forgiveness by RT Kendall -- (after reading this one, you may want to check out his other two in the trilogy on forgiveness. 
Forgiveness by Rodney Hogue

Story behind the song "Forgiveness" by Matthew West
An interesting look at forgiveness in the book of Philemon
A Story of Forgiveness (interview with Gary Thomas) 

Even Mayo Clinic thinks forgiveness is important!
Forgiving Others Worksheet -- This is a great worksheet that is part of Steps to Freedom in Christ.


Making Space for Fasting