Welcome to Calvary Lewistown

Calvary is not a place, it's a people.  God's hopes and dreams aren't found in buildings of brick and mortar, but rather in the hearts of people.  It's all about Jesus...and people - people of different sizes, shapes, ages and colors; people with different gifts and needs; people with different hurts and hopes - finding the truly amazing life that comes through following Jesus.

We are building a church without walls (in our community).  That is our dream.  We want to help people find life beyond the walls that contain us - no walls in our relationships with God, with each other, and with the world around us.
No church is perfect, including Calvary, but if you think the world has far too many walls...we invite you to join us at Calvary Lewistown as we seek Jesus.


-Sean Moon, Gathering Pastor


Gathering Times Here

*no in-person services the fourth Sunday of each month-- go to calvarysc.org/CWOW for details