
Walking in Light

May 05, 2024

Passage:1 John 1:5-2:6

Preacher: Isaac Balban

Series: Sermon Stand Alone


The sermon delves into the theme of "The Father Heart of God," emphasizing that God, unlike earthly fathers, desires to fill our lives with His glory through His fatherly guidance. John's letter to early Christians portrays God as light and contrasts walking in this light with walking in darkness. Walking in light does not imply sinlessness but following Christ's pattern of life, whereas walking in darkness suggests a deliberate pattern of sinful living. The sermon explains that even when Christians sin, they have an advocate in Christ, emphasizing that our new identity in Him should lead to a new way of living that aligns with His light. This transformation is marked by joyful confession and repentance, not out of obligation but as a natural response to the grace we have already received.