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Finishing Well

We have little control over when we are born or when we die, but in-between is our life. For each of us, 2020 will be a memorable year. Most of us are ready for this year to end, but are we thinking about how to finish well?

These last eight months have been filled with…something. What have your last eight months been filled with?  Another way to ask the question is, what has filled your heart these last 8 months? Trust or anxiety, hope or despair, kindness or isolation?

Because what is in our hearts will ultimately fill our days. 


If you haven’t done so already, take some time to make a gratitude list, a list of things you’re thankful for that took place in this past year. (For more clarity, check out this Go Deeper post.)

This will help you “clear the air” and enable your heart and mind to see God at work everywhere in your life and the lives of those around you.


Now, take a minute and ask yourself this question: What has been my dominant heart posture this past year? What have I been doing with my days?

Note: this is different than the question, “what happened to me?” Many of the events that unfold in our life are out of our control. But no matter what happens, we can choose in our hearts to respond. 


In the video above, Pastor Dan explains that finishing well is a series of choices that depend on trusting Christ more.

Now that you’ve taken an inventory of your year, think of where you can trust Christ even more moving forward. Nobody at the end of their life will regret putting more trust in Christ — their time, their money, their relationships. Think of the specific areas where you can exchange worry or anxiety or despair for trust, hope and joy.

And then write it down. Just the act of writing it down — if you do nothing more — will have a profound affect on how you carry your heart moving forward.


Part of trusting the Lord is stepping out in faith to build relationships and share the gospel with our neighbors; trusting that the Lord will help us know what to say and multiply our efforts for His glory. Check out this new track called "When It's Hard to Invite"


Sometimes taking that step to invite your neighbors can feel like a doozie. This growth track will help you overcome your fears and move out in faith and confidence towards those around you. 


Posted by Bret Mavrich